So I discovered something today in my sewing room. I was playing around with an 8 1/2” triangle ruler. Mostly, I was making pennants. But you know how it goes. You start doing one thing, and you get ideas.
Everyone knows that 6 triangles that are equilateral will make a hexagon. That’s a given. But I wanted to see if I could make a triangle out of a layer cake with as little waste as possible. So, I started playing. ***Please see note at bottom of the page.***This cutting technique for a layer cake is unique to me. See bottom note.
I laid the triangle onto two 10 inch squares that were right sides together.
The bottom of the ruler sits exactly along the bottom of the squares. There is the exact amount of room on a 10” square for the 8 1/2” triangle. Cut around the triangle on both sides.
I marked the triangle with a line down the center of it, and two lines on both sides of that 1/4” away from the center line. Because of this new idea for layer cakes, June Tailor is reprinting their rulers so that we have these markings right on the ruler. But for now, I used a sharpie. It is indelible and doesn’t come off.
Pull the fabric and triangle away, and turn so that the smaller triangles face you.
Place the triangle ruler on the triangle that has the right angle on the left. Align the 1/4” mark with the edge as shown above. Cut around the ruler to yield a half triangle that has a 1/4 inch seam allowance.
Do the same thing for the half triangle on the opposite side of the fabric stack. Make certain to line up the dotted line with the edge of the fabric, not the center line.
Perfect! No waste.
Now you can proceed to make a seam along the straight edges and it will be the same size as the first triangle that you cut.
Ta da!!!!
Finished quilt to come soon. June Tailor ruler available on this website.
**********As a note, I spoke to the people at Moda. We will be formally introducing this technique when I have the quilt sample done. ANYONE ATTEMPTING TO COPY THIS TECHNIQUE USING LAYER CAKES WILL HAVE LEGAL ACTION ENSUE.
Do not think that I will hesitate in the least to issue a cease and desist letter followed by a court date. I hate to be ugly. I have been ripped off by another artist repeatedly. I will not tolerate this. I have more lawyers in my family than I can shake a stick at. So, that is the way it has to be. Parties involved have already been apprised of this technique and they know that it originated with me. ********