I made these summer pj’s out of a soft Jersey knit from Bungalow. The pattern showed the top and shorts to be made of 2 contrasting fabrics. I changed it. I made the top yoke and shorts from one fabric, and the rest of the top from a sweet star-printed fabric. It provided much more interest . I then embroidered a series of aqua hearts (to match the aqua stars on the fabric) on the top and one on the leg of the shorts. It spiced up the look… not so plain, but unique. I’d encourage you to embellish plain pajama patterns. It allows you to experiment with new techniques and is not as risky as doing the same with clothing! I did shorten the shorts a bit, and made the legs more narrow by just sewing a wider side seam, about an inch bigger than the normal 5/8 inch.
A word about sewing with knits: You don’t have to finish the raw edges! They won’t ravel when gathering them, or when carrying the fabric around. For a professional look and to be able to stitch a hem easier, overlock or zigzag the edges of hems. But you don’t have to; that’s the beauty of it. To allow for the stretch you want, (when stretching over your or a child’s head, or when exercising in a knit outfit), sew the seams with a long and narrow zigzag stitch. You won’t see it when the seam is pressed and turned right side out.
Judy has this cute, simple, and really comfortable pattern in her shop.