I get so many requests about making the umbrellas. People love them. They’re functional and beautiful. They can be personalized so they make a great gift. Do you have someone that has everything? You cannot possibly buy them a gift because they have all that they need? Well, I would be willing to bet that they don’t have a handmade umbrella.
These are extremely sturdy. I have sold over 2000 of these frames, and they have always held up. I use mine all of the time.
So, if you’re planning to take an umbrella class with me or one of the folks that I have sold these umbrellas to, what are you going to need?
Here’s the low down.
If you’ve never sewn an umbrella before I would suggest that your first one be made with a fabric that is a quilting cotton, and is an all over print. By all over I mean one that isn’t directional.
Once you are a pro, you can fussy cut or use a one way print. You can even choose to make each panel a different fabric.
There are 8 panels to the umbrellas. Here are some photos of an umbrella that is a one way print. It’s made with fabric from Alexander Henry that is large raindrops.

Here’s what it looks like from the inside.

After seeing these photos you will understand that there are a million different options for how to make these. The design possbilities are endless. But, hold on, you need to make a basic one first.
Here is what you need:
Umbrella with 8 panels all of the same allover fabric:
2 yards of quilting cotton
Good fabric cutting scissors
crummy paper cutting scissors
thread to match your project (I always use a medium to light gray as it blends right in with the fabric).
glue stick
8 safety pins that are about 1 inch to 1 1/4 inches long
hand stitching needle
water proofing spray (to be done in the privacy of your own yard, not in class)
small piece of velcro–1” x 1” both the hook and loop sides
small ruler for rotary cutting
rotary cutter
small rotary cutting mat
object for turning a tube right sides out (turning bodkin or something like this. A blunt pencil will also do).
Supply list for making umbrella with every other panel a different color (alternating 2 colors)
1 1/2 yards of one fabric
1 1/2 yards of another coordinating fabric
same remainder of items listed above
Supply list for one way print:
3 yards of fabric
same supply list as above
If this is your first one, I would encourage you to stick with an allover print. If you’re really an experienced sewist or a good garment sewist, you can choose any of the above methods.