So just when you thought you needed a little fun in your day, we’re here to provide it.
Have you heard of Creative Spark? It’s C&T’s online educational platform. Think Craftsy but better. Why better? Because the instructors are extremely vetted. We have to have an intense knowledge of sewing, fabrics, and how they interplay. It is the most experienced and knowledgeable people out there.
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about what is Top Stitch. Top Stitch is a competitive program that incorporates TONS of learning. I will be selecting superstars that can teach you lots of fun and interesting techniques amidst a competition show.
We are filming in Wisconsin first. Of course. We will be moving on to other states with other challenges. The winners will meet at Quilt Market and film the final episode or episodes, as we see fit.
Creative Spark has a menu of videos from which you can choose. Watch everyone from Judy Gauthier to Becky Goldsmith and more! We work really hard on these videos because it’s all about YOU. We want you to become excellent sewists, pass it on, and keep it alive and well.

Here is the link to check it out.
You won’t be sorry. You can purchase this and watch classes in your jammies or at your leisure.
So then, what is Top Stitch? It’s a program that can be watched through creative spark. It’s not completed yet so you will have to wait. But the wait will be well worth it.
Today we met at Ripon College. It was me and a whole bunch of “sewlebrities” from Wisconsin. We met for a creative challenge. We will meet for a total of 3 days. In these 3 days we will be making an umbrella, a hanging lampshade and a vest. These sewlebrities are making these projects according to a pattern, but making them their own. They will individualize them however they wish.
As they are performing these tasks, they will be instructing. They will be sharing tips and techniques for sewing, and there’s where the education comes in.
So, how did today go? You be the judge. Here are some highlights from today. You can purchase the Wisconsin Edition of Top Stitch from C&T Publishing’s platform Creative Spark when it comes out.

Doesn’t this make you just want to see what was all going on in their minds? Of course it does!

We will let you know when it’s released and live!