My daughter said something really smart to me once. She said that she liked to wear bracelets because it’s a piece of jewelry that she could see all day. If she was wearing earrings or a necklace, it was for everyone else to see.
I feel that way about accessorizing. Especially with handmade projects. Putting luxury and beautiful fabrics on your body makes you feel good. When you look pretty it’s for someone else. When you feel pretty it’s for you.
That’s how I feel about sewing accessories. This kimono jacket is like that. It makes me feel pretty. I could be wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and just the act of putting on a pretty jacket and maybe a scarf makes you feel pretty instantly. It changes your whole attitude.
This jacket took me only a couple of hours to make from cut to finish. We have the pattern at the Bungalow. You can take 25% off of the pattern if you buy your fabric at the same time. It’s a super well written pattern. I used the sparkle Shannon Cuddle that is new. I have it in Mallard, shown here, and many more colors are coming soon! Make one from each color. Why not? Shannon Fabrics makes the most luxurious and reasonably priced fabric.
Come in and get the pattern or call me and I will send it.