All the pieces of the caddy were put into place, so now I had to cut out the shape of it, just by following the lines on the printed cotton batting. FIRST, though, you will want to pin the edges down so you can cut out the curves without the fabric moving.

Next, flip the caddy over; the back should be facing up. Cut out the shape of the caddy according to the instructions; along the stitching line that you also sewed along at the beginning. For purposes of showing how the pinning and cutting is laid out, I’ve shown below the pieces facing up. One of my pins was outside of the line where I was cutting; that’s OK because it still held the fabric in place.

See the cut out shape below. Note it looks very long; it’s just the angle of the camera so I could get the entire piece in the picture. Next the binding will be sewn on and the handles. More to come…