So for now, I am just calling this Barb’s table runner. It’s a beaut isn’t it? When my striped fabric from Studio e first came out, I was so excited to see how many fabrics it worked well with. I was shocked at the number of gorgeous fabrics that it went with. It goes with so many of the Free Spirit fabrics. It’s perfect with Tula Pink’s Linework, and it’s perfect with Kaffe Fassett’s fabrics. Here is is with Anna Maria Horner’s Echinacea print which comes in many colors, all of which go perfectly with my stripes.
At this moment, which is November 16th, 2020, we are out of the echinacea print but it is returning to the shop at the beginning of December so make sure to click “shop” in this website and check back for it.
My stripe fabric is called All Lined Up, and is available on this site.
Here is the picture of the table runner and below that is the link to the free pattern.

Here’s the link to the pattern:
Have fun! I think it’s one you’ll use over and over.